It is not always easy to measure the impact of learning on your business but there are definitely seasons when it is possible to do so. Take for instance the period right after a pandemic – since most organizations are operating below capacity, trai ...
What Is the Role of a Learning & Development Team?
A learning and development team consists of a manager or director, instructional designers, trainers and subject matter experts. In small companies, a three-member team is not uncommon. However, in large organizations, an L&D team may be com ...
Who is upskilling intended for?
According to a Deloitte survey, the skills that employees require to perform well in their roles are “becoming obsolete at an accelerating rate”. For this reason, employers need to have a continuous up-skilling program. This article will delve into ...
Components of an Effective Learning and Development Strategy
The past decade has seen a drastic evolution in the global workforce due to various factors. The current mix of employees is a result of the digital revolution, rising complexity of running a business, and stiff competition in business. Every busine ...